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We repair

Mobile phones

For phones from all brands and service providers, including the Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy. We have integrity, competence, and friendliness.


We also do Tablet repairs as they are much more complicated than laptop repairs due to their small size and frequent usage of glue.


All sizes, colours, and shapes of PC laptops are covered in laptop repair. We work hard to always offer top-notch service to our customers.

Our services

Why choose us

Quality guarantee

We make sure the services are of high quality as part of the whole package we provide. We use top-notch diagnostic equipment. we offer the best parts to get your phone back in working order and make it seem brand new.

Corporate services

You will need phone repair services at least once during your lifetime. Your phone, however, is a valuable but fragile device that you do not want to entrust to dishonest sellers. You should pick Urmston Mobile for all of your phone repair requirements as one of the top phone repair company in UK.

Customer service

As we have mentioned before, a lot of mobile repair firms lose clients as a result of their inconsistent work and tardiness. At Urmston Mobile, we recognise the importance of being on time and the value of treating customers with respect. Because of this, we provide each of our clients great priority. We make sure that your phone is fixed promptly and delivered back to you promptly so you may continue using it.

Privacy policy

Your data’s privacy is extremely important to our business. No data from your device will be given to a third party. We value our clients.


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